Monday, October 15, 2018

Friends conversion: From recruitment to love

Come here beta Tabassum,
'Mom, I am busy'
'with whom beta?
It is my childhood friend 'Joseph'
Joseph? ''mom in a fit of rage"
Is it that psychotic one who changed his religion, thence changed his name from Javid to Joseph.
Tabassum, Ji mom, 'croon'
Mom, staring at Joseph, then Me, Me, then Joseph!
'From the anger of my mom, it looks like 'my friend, Joseph had helped Bin-Ladin in attacking 'The Twin Towers of World Trade Centre' and Me! as a chief planner.'
What are you discussing? she said.
Nothing special. Just recollecting our childhood memories. We both said.
Oh! that sucks. Mom nodded, smirked and come out of my room.
Sorry my dear Friend Joseph, Tabassum said. “My mom is a zealot.” I am joking. Haha
In the meantime, knock at the door, tuk tuk…
‘Hold on a second’, will see who is there?
OMG Usman! Can’t believe on my eyes. Is it you!
‘Come Inside, see, Javid here, sorry, Joseph here’
Handshakes, hugs …
‘Usman, my friend, much water has flown under the bridge’ giggle.  You look, still 18.’
Yes, Yes, Usman replied.

Before he could say more, Tahira entered. 
'Asalam u Alaikum, Tahira Aunty,' Usman said.
Related imageBefore he answered the wish, Tahira softened her tune and said, 'Usman is pious, Jiger Mera. ‘Pressing his cheeks’. He is not like the one who changes religion for Angrez Koor. Stares Joseph

Sit dear son, I will bring three cups of hot kahwah for you.
Tahira left. uff... Joseph takes a sigh of relief...
Usman to Joseph, why you got converted, Asshole...punches him...
close the door, I will tell you, said Joseph. Sigh.
Tell, Drama Bazz
Listen, I have already told Tabassum, He will tell you. Joseph shrugged.
No, said Usman. I want to listen to you.
Tahira from Kitchen, Tabassum, Tabassum beta. 
                                          Kahwah tayaar hai Aa ky lye javoo...
Ok mom, happily he goes to the kitchen. Their, mom gave a happy giggle. 'Tabassum, tell your Joseph, Tahira Aunty still loves you".
Kahwah is tasty, smacks his lips,  said Joseph.
Ya Yaa, Tahira Aunty tusi great hoo, yelled Usman.
'if you would not tell me the whole shit, I will f*,'  Usman to Joseph. 
Hey, Pious! don't abuse. Tahira Aunty just praised you. Joseph said.
hahaha laughed, Tabassum.
Tell him, why you got converted, Tabassum to Joseph
Just a second. 
As you know, I was born in a distantly rugged village "Al heaven"  in north Kashmir's Baramulla district at the time of the outbreak of militancy in Kashmir. My village had everything-lush green meadows, gushing waterways, simple houses but politically minded elders, kram/clan divided kids. 
Ahm Ahmm...clearing his throat...
                      He takes a large swig from the glass tumbler, close his eyes for a while.
         wonderful was my village, my friends, neighbours. 
Our's too are. murmured Usman.
                                        Silence for a moment.
Albeit, Qazi Sahab and Mir sahab did not treat me well. Even they hate me. Once Mir Sahab called me "ill-omened Javid"
But why? said Usman.
Something was wrong in my birth, giggled, Ya, son of Qazi Sahab, who was reading with me, said me one day.
O! have you verified.  Then.
Ya, I said one day to my lovely mom about my birth, she responded with an angelic smile "My dear, you are a saviour for your Abba. In that very night, when I was facing the labour pain, the elder members of the village, influenced by Jamaties (Mir Sahab, Qazi etc), although illiterates, assembled inside the Mosque decided your Abbas and the other educated peoples future of crossing border via Gulmarg route, in order to become a trained militants. When all was settled inside Mosque, I heard the holy slogans 
                                   'Allah u Akbar, Allah u Akbar' Hum Kya chahtee, Azadii. 
                                             Azadi ka Matlab kya LAILAHA ILLAHA. 
                                                             Pakistan Zindabad 
And when you Abba returned from that very mosque, I was all lost, not because of the pain You gave me, My son. But by the decision of your Abba, as I heard all this from your Uncle, who was also present there. My son, You saved me, as well. You are a Saviour." 
 How is this related to your conversion? questioned Usman.
Have patience ...


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